Half-day Retreat of
REFUGE and RESOURCE at Mooluz Arts in Temescal TBA, 10:30 am to 2:30 pm For students who have taken one of my 8-week series or practiced with me for at least 2 months. We will practice self-compassion "technologies" We will practice meditation, qigong, breathing, relaxing together. We will do some right brain writing and small healing circles groups. We will focus on somatic resources. We will eat a mindful meal together. Please bring: —Your lunch —Water and/or drinks —Notebook or journal Sliding scale: $20—$60 Click to register or for more info: 510 652 0560. Fresh ~ Naomi Shihab Nye
To move Cleanly. Needing to be Nowhere else. Wanting nothing From any store. To lift something You already had And set it down in A new place. Awakened eye Seeing freshly. What does that do to The old blood moving through Its channels? |