In a small group format, we use our sleeping and waking dreams to spark our innate creativity and wisdom for healing. This experiential group will work with the assumption that “all dreams come in the service of health and wholeness”— that our dreams can be excavated for clues on how to work creatively with difficult, even traumatic aspects of our lives.
The focus of this group will be on exploring dreams and stories as tools for empowerment and healing.
We home in on our intentions that are offered to us by our dreams so we can be guided to take wise and skillful action in waking life.
Note: You don't need to be having sleeping dreams to come to this group. We use waking dreams too.
—Start to dream and improve dream recall
—Gain insight into your dreams through a supportive group process
—Seed your dreams for guidance This class is offered by the Supportive Care Services of the Alta Bates Summit Cancer Center and is FREE of charge to patients and the cancer community.
Click to register or for more info 510 652 0560
The focus of this group will be on exploring dreams and stories as tools for empowerment and healing.
We home in on our intentions that are offered to us by our dreams so we can be guided to take wise and skillful action in waking life.
Note: You don't need to be having sleeping dreams to come to this group. We use waking dreams too.
—Start to dream and improve dream recall
—Gain insight into your dreams through a supportive group process
—Seed your dreams for guidance This class is offered by the Supportive Care Services of the Alta Bates Summit Cancer Center and is FREE of charge to patients and the cancer community.
Click to register or for more info 510 652 0560